7 Easy Steps for Creating an Author Website

Create an Author Website: Step-by-Step Guide

In this day and age, having your own website is practically a must for authors. Not only does it let you showcase your books and other works to the world, it also serves as the hub for your digital presence, helping you to connect with readers and promote your stories. Whether you're an indie author or traditionally published, a website will open up exciting new opportunities and help you build your brand.

Creating a successful author website is more than just having a domain name and slapping up a few images and blurbs about your work. To truly catch the browsing public's attention, you must design a site that looks professional and navigable, with content and features that are both engaging and useful.

This guide will take you step by step through the process of creating an author website, from choosing the right topic and hosting solutions, to website design and content strategies, all the way to setting tracking and analytics tools.

The first step in building a successful website that showcases your books and other works is to decide on a theme or niche. Many authors choose to structure their websites around their genre, for example a fantasy website, or even something that celebrates their own works alone. It's important to pick a niche that stands out, one that inspires the public to explore more of what you have to offer.

When brainstorming different niche ideas for your author website, think about how you want to present your work and create a concept that reflects your goals. For instance, if you're a sci-fi/fantasy author you may choose to create a website dedicated to all things sci-fi/fantasy, with a selection of your own works highlighted among the rest. On the other hand, you could spin your own genre of work into something unique, such as an enchanted romance website featuring stories that have an extra magical element.

The domain name of your website plays a significant role in how readers and potential customers find your website. Your domain name needs to be both memorable and unique, and should reflect the content and purpose of your website. It should be something easy for people to type and remember, and should preferably end with the .com or .net. It's always a good idea to check to make sure the domain name you've chosen is available before registering it.

To check for domain name availability, you can use a domain name search tool such as Name.com or DomComp.com. These tools allow you to type in the name you'd like to use and see if it's available, as well as give you alternate suggestions if it's already taken. Once you've found an available domain name, you'll need to purchase it from a domain registrar or hosting provider.

Choosing the right web hosting solution is essential for the success of your author website. It will determine the speed, uptime, and scalability of your site, so it's important to choose a reputable hosting provider that offers features and services that best fit your needs. When it comes to hosting, there are three general types to choose from: shared hosting, VPS (virtual private server) hosting, and dedicated hosting.

Shared hosting is the most affordable option, and is suitable for beginners or authors with smaller websites. With shared hosting, your website will be stored on the same server as other websites, which can negatively impact performance at times.

VPS hosting gives you more flexibility and control, as well as improved performance. It's a great middle-ground option for authors who need a step-up from shared hosting but don't need the power of a dedicated server.

Dedicated hosting is the most powerful option, as you have your own server and resources exclusively for your website. It's the best option for larger websites and those that need a lot of bandwidth. However, it's also the most expensive option, and is probably not necessary for most authors.

Once you've chosen a domain name and hosting option, you'll need to select a website building platform or cms (content management system) that will enable you to create and manage your website. Today, there are numerous cms platforms and services to choose from, each offering different features and capabilities. The most popular options for authors are WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace, and Blogger.

WordPress: Pros: Flexible, user-friendly, lots of plugins and themes. Cons: Can be slow to load, need to pay for hosting (unless using the WordPress.org platform)

Wix: Pros: Simple to use, lots of customizations and modules, and hosting included. Cons: No plugins or flexibility, Once built your site is locked in to the platform.

SquareSpace: Pros: Easy to use and customize, hosting included, mobile-friendly. Cons: Limited design options, limited plugins and features.

Blogger: Pros: Free, user-friendly, mobile-friendly. Cons: Limited design options, limited features, not as flexible.

Once you've chosen a platform, it's time to start designing your website. The design and layout of your site will be a crucial factor in how well it can capture reader's attention. Your website should be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with enough content to keep visitors engaged but not overwhelmed.

When designing your website, it's important to consider the overall look and feel you want to create. Here are some key elements to keep in mind:

  • Choose a layout that's easy to navigate
  • Pick consistent colors, fonts, and images
  • Include an About Page.
  • Add an email list sign up option and newsletter
  • Highlight your most popular works
  • Integrate Social Media links prominently

Apart from design, content is also another key element of a successful website. Content should be engaging and reflect the theme of your chosen niche or genre. You should also mix different types of content such as articles, reviews, podcasts, quotes, visuals, and videos to keep your website interesting and fresh.

When planning the content for your author website, think about the topics you want to focus on and the types of articles you want to feature. A good mix is key to keeping your readers and fans engaged and coming back to your site. Here are some ideas of articles to feature on your website:

  • Book Reviews
  • Interviews with Writers Other Authors
  • Behind the Scenes of the Writing Process
  • Events Conventions You Attend or are Featured At
  • News Stories on Latest Writing Projects
  • Writing Creative Process Advice
  • Articles About Your Genre or Niche

Having some knowledge of HTML and CSS will enable you to make customizations to your website's design and layout. HTML is the language used to create webpages, while CSS is the language used to style them. Though understanding HTML and CSS is not essential for creating a website, it can be helpful to have a basic knowledge in order to make small fixes or changes without having to find a third-party specialist.

Here are some of the basic HTML and CSS codes that are helpful to know when it comes to customizing your website:

  • HTML: Block-level elements, Span and Div elements, Headings (H1-H6), Links, Lists, Images
  • CSS: Background properties, Borders, Fonts and text, Margins and padding, Float and position

A picture is worth a thousand words, and the same can be said for images, videos, and other multimedia on your website. Images and multimedia can give your website an extra lift, helping to draw in readers and future customers. It's important to ensure your images and videos are high quality and relevant to the theme of your website.

Integrating multimedia in your website is an important step in maximizing your website's potential. Here are some of the ways you can use multimedia to make your website stand out:

  • Add full-screen background images
  • Integrate videos, GIFs, and audio
  • Include custom illustrations and graphics
  • Incorporate high-quality photos and images
  • Optimize multimedia files for speed and performance

The user experience (UX) and navigability of your website can make or break its success. It's important to ensure visitors can easily navigate and find the information they need without hassle. This includes having intuitive page layouts, organized menus and sub-menus, intuitive search tools, and more.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when it comes to creating a smooth, easy-to-navigate website:

  • Include a sitemap
  • Make menus and sub-menus clearly visible and easy to use
  • Label pages and sections intuitively
  • Ensure pages load quickly
  • Allow users to easily search for content
  • Include breadcrumb trails for long pages
  • Test your website on multiple devices

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an essential element of any successful website. SEO strategies will help your website rank higher in search results when readers and potential customers search for words related to your site content. While SEO can be a complex subject, there are a few basics that will help you get off to a good start.

SEO is an essential element to consider when creating an author website, as it will help you reach your target audience more effectively. Here are some SEO strategies to help you get started:

  • Optimize page copy with search-friendly words and phrases
  • Use keywords strategically in page titles and headers
  • Include alt tags for images and audio/video content
  • Optimize page loading time across all devices
  • Add social media sharing buttons to your page
  • Get links from other, high-authority sites
  • Create original and share-worthy content